Farming help providing support for farmers affected by Covid-19
11th April 2020
The Farming Help charities – Addington Fund, Farming Community Network (FCN), Forage Aid, Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I), and RSABI, supported by The Prince’s Countryside Fund – are working together

The Farming Help charities – Addington Fund, Farming Community Network (FCN), Forage Aid, Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I), and RSABI, supported by The Prince’s Countryside Fund – are working together to support the farming community during the current coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
To raise awareness of how the charities can support the farming community throughout Covid-19 and beyond, next week (13th-17th April) they are launching Farming Help Awareness Week. The Farming Help charities will be using social media to promote each other’s work in supporting rural communities during Covid-19.
The purpose of the week is to:
- raise awareness of what each of the charities involved in the Farming Help partnership does;
- highlight that although the charities support the farming community in different ways, they are all working together under the umbrella of Farming Help to support the farming community through this difficult time;
- encourage farmers and farming families to get in touch via the Farming Help helpline – 03000 111 999 – and make use of the support that the charities offer, taking a proactive approach to help their farm businesses and personal wellbeing.
The Farming Help initiative is in conjunction with The National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs, The National Farmers’ Union, and the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust.
Utilising the Farming Help helpline (operated by FCN) and respective organisations/volunteer networks, the charities can offer the following local support. Get in touch on 03000 111 999 if you:
- Feel concerned or anxious and would like to talk to someone who understands farming, will listen to you and help you think through your options
- Would like help to draft a contingency plan to ensure you and your farm are prepared, should you be unable to work for a time.
- If you or people you rely on become ill or are self-isolating and you need to find help locally- we will endeavour to find support for you in your local area. We will source contact details of local organisations and groups who may be able to assist you in finding help to feed livestock, collect shopping or collect prescriptions if you are unable to do so. This directory will be revised and updated in the coming weeks and months.
Call 03000 111 999 or visit